Why we do what we do?

That feeling of being on Cloud 9, that feeling of being loved, that feeling of immense joy, that feeling of being thankful and that feeling of being ‘Different’. We all go through these sudden rush of emotions where in the feelings are uncalled and that ‘second’ seems just so perfect. I am not talking about falling in love with some girl/guy. Its about falling in love with your own self. Living for yourself and your joy (Confused? 😛 Read a little more to know what I mean 😉 )

Here are my perceptions. 

1. More than loving the other person in a relationship its more about getting the love from that person. So I choose to love myself (‘Getting’ part becomes easier and less complicated 😉 )

2. You don’t need to talk everyday, be in touch, share secrets, express your feelings etc to be BFF’s. 90 percent people agree to this, but has anyone tried? Try today. ( More than 50percent of the decisions we make for ourselves are impulsive or influential) 

3. Generally, we prioritize people around us. Priority list changes every other day. But if your number one is constant for a year without any problem, your life is a mess only in your head. ( When we make our life a mess we blame someone else for it. That someone else is our priority one. I blame myself and U?)


4. You can only say the Truth if you aren’t scared of anyone/anything ( Don’t jeopardize the relation just because you cannot be truthful )

5. You start blogging because trust me either you are super bored with facebook, twitter etc  or you are a Philanthropist (I blogged because I was super bored)

Lot more perceptions to come in the next blog….

All I wanted to say from this is…

We think we do what we do is to make others happy…” #Knowyourownselffirst 

P.S: Do things to make yourself happy ❤

P.P.S: Pardon me with the Grammar 😛 *can’twatch*

P.P.S: You can share your perceptions too. As you can read from my tagline I might be wrong. But Eventually its about the learning and those ‘heavy lessons of life’ 😉

